“The Circle” (PG13), starring Tom Hank and Emma Watson. Science fiction/Drama. Mae Holland (Emma), takes a job with a powerful technology/social media company named “The Circle”. Mae who is from a small town quickly realizes that this company may be the answer to some of her prayers. But soon after an incident occurs, she is thrown into the spotlight by the company’s founder Eamon Bailey (Tom Hanks). She then becomes an advocate for the company and her life begins to change but at what cost? I had been anticipating this movie since I first saw its trailer some time ago, so I must admit, I was a little disappointed when it didn’t meet my expectations. However, it was a little scary to imagine such an invasion of privacy in our world today, so seeing it played out in this film made it somewhat intriguing to watch. Even though the film had a good cast and the basic concept for the movie was good, it lacked substance. I think the storyline had too many fragmented branches to it and left the audience seeking a connection that never really happened.
I am a little on the fence with this movie so…