“Fate of the Furious”(PG13), starring Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Charlize Theron, Jason Statham, Michelle Rodriguez. Crime/Thriller. In this fast past storyline, Vin Diesel’s character (Dominic), is caught up in a very bad situation when he is forced to go head to head against his group or else suffer the consequences. The very stunning Charlize Theron’s performance as (Cipher), the cunning yet brilliant villain, was exceptional. I especially enjoyed the fact that the film differentiated from its previous films. This movie focused more on the tie between Dominic and his crew. It was filled with non-stop action, excitement, and some pretty spectacular car scenes.
I give it a “thumbs up”
I agree with your comments about the movie being non-stop action! It was thrilling and had great twists to the story I was not expecting. I’m looking forward to the next one they make!