“The Shack” (PG13), starring Sam Worthington, Octavia Spencer, and Tim McGraw. Fantasy/Drama. Sam Worthington’s character, (Mack) life is turned upside down when a tragic event changes his life. Although Sam gave a good performance in the film, I found the storyline a little too slow. However, I was very surprised to find out this movie was very faith infused, of which I enjoyed, it just needed a little something extra.
I give it a “thumbs down”, sorry Sam.
Thankyou Irene I will skip this one. Love your info!
I loved Sam Worthington in the Titans movies, and got “The Shack” from the library. Like you, I don’t mind a little faith in books and films, but 10 to 12 pages into the book had me sleeping. The overall bad reviews also contributed to my not going to see it.