Movie reviews

Beauty and the Beast

My favorite movie of the moment is the 2017 version of “Beauty and the Beast”, (PG), starring Emma Watson as Belle and Dan Stevens as the Beast.

The new version stays pretty close to the 1991 animated storyline, with the exception of a few added scenes and songs.  The basic storyline is that of a farm girl (whom the small town sees as being different) her life is changed in many ways when she meets the beast.

Emma Watsons acting as well as singing, in the movie was wonderful. She made the character Belle come to life on screen. Dan Stevens portrayal of the Beast was extraordinary. The couple was perfectly cast in the movie each offered their talented acting and singing abilities to help make this film a success.

The highlight in the film (for me), was the scene for the song “Be Our Guest”. It was so beautifully done and executed that it was a great delight. (I could totally picture it as a Disney ride, where I’d sit at a table (as Belle did) and experience this scene. The castle and its inhabitants were incredibly charming. The costumes each actor wore were outstanding. I’m pretty sure that every little girl and most women will love Emma’s beautiful gowns and wouldn’t mind having them in their closets.

I give this movie a definite “thumbs up”

(I’m partial to fairy tales and love stories).

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